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Eventos brasileiros na NZ em Outubro/Novembro

Varios eventos culturais em Outubro e Novembro! Check it out! Inclusive filme Brasileiro em Auckland!

De 16 a 18 de outubro, o Live Brazil Festival traz um verdadeiro gostinho brasileiro a Wellington, com apresentações de música, dança, cinema e culinária no bar Southern Cross. Destacamos a vinda inédita do grupo de percussão Tambolelê, que além da capital, também fará apresentações nos festivais de Nelson, Queenstown e Tauranga, com o apoio do Ministério das Relações Exteriores e do Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais.

From the 16th to the 18th of October, Live Brazil Festival brings a real taste of Brazil to Wellington, with a lot of music, dance, cinema and traditional cuisine at the Southern Cross Bar. One of the main attractions is the first time visit of percussion group ‘Tambolelê’ to New Zealand, with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations and the Government of the State of Minas Gerais. As well as the capital, the group will perform at the Nelson, Queenstown and Tauranga festivals.

Não perca o show duplo especial de abertura / Don’t miss out on the opening night double concert:

‘Tambolelê & Afro Sambas’ 16.10.09, Memorial Theatre, Victoria University.

Ingressos e informações gerais/ Tickets and more information on the festival:

Na área de cinema, o Brasil participa da 8ª edição do ‘Latin American Film Festival’ com o filme Linha de Passe, de Walter Salles e Daniela Thomas. Até o final de novembro, o festival percorre cinco cidades: Wellington, Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland e New Plymouth.

At the movies, Brazil takes part at the 8th Latin American Film Festival with the awarded movie Linha de Passe, by Walter Salled and Daniela Thomas. Until the end of November, the festival tours five cities: Wellington, Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland and New Plymouth.

Confira a programação completa em sua região no site / Check the full programme in your region on:

Mais cinema brasileiro!/ More Brazilian movies! @ Reel Brazil Film Festival

26 – 29.11.09 - Soundings Theatre, Te Papa, Wellington.

E é claro, não perca a programação mensal de cinema e palestras na Embaixada. No dia 21 de outubro, apresentamos o filme Domésticas, de Fernando Meirelles e Nando Olival. Em 28 de outubro, o psicólogo e pesquisador acadêmico Taciano Milfont faz sua segunda palestra “Entendendo o Brasil (e a Nova Zelândia): Lições da psicologia transcultural”, no contexto do programa “Temas Brasileiros na Embaixada”.

And, of course, don’t forget about our monthly movie and talks programme. On the 21st of October, we will be screening Maids, by Fernando Meirelles and Nando Olival. On the 28th of October, Taciano Milfon, a Brazilian psychologist and academic researcher based in Wellington will give his second talk “Making sense of Brazil (and New Zealand): Lessons from cross-cultural psychology”, as part of the “Brazilian Topics at the Embassy” programme.

Programas completos no setor “Notícias e Eventos” – Full listing at the “News and Events”link:

Lembrete – Reminder - “Brazil in Brief: society, politics, and foreign policy” @ Victoria University

Organizado pelo Programa de Estudos Brasileiros da Escola de Culturas e Línguas da Universidade Victoria (Wellington), em parceria com o “Centre for Continuing Education” (Centro de cursos de extensão).

Presented by the Brazilian Studies Programme of the School of Languages and Cultures at Victoria University (Wellington), together with the Centre for Continuing Education.

15.10.09 th October - “Mercosur: a Latin American Integration Project”
Guest Speaker: Patrícia V. C. Marotta - Director of the Brazilian Culture and Portuguese Language Programme
Old Government Building, Room GBLT4, 15 Lambton Quay, Pipitea Campus @ 6 pm

22.10.09- Brazilian Politics and Architecture: the meaning of Brasília”
Guest Speaker: Daniele Abreu e Lima - Lecturer – School of Architecture – VUW
Venue: Railway Station Building, Room RWW414, Pipitea Campus @ 6 pm

Informações – Information:

10.10.09 Sambalada Funk
Southern Cross, Wellington
A partir das 17 horas / From 5 pm

28.10.09 Natiruts
@ Powerstation, Auckland

Apresentado pela produtora – Presented by:

Brazilian Groove.


Fonte: Setor Cultural Embaixada do Brasil em Wellington

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